With thanks to Colleen Lee-Hayes and her blog, I discovered the Google Docs Add-On "TextHelp Study Skills" and thought it could be useful in a lot of subject areas.
TextHelp Study Skills
Use this add-on to Google Docs to highlight key information that can then be grouped, sorted, and exported into a new Google Doc for later use.
Ideas for Student Use in the Classroom:
- In Language classes, students could use the different colour to identify required language components in assignments.
- In Geography, History, Civics, Social Science classes, students could use a colour to identify the facts that they've included in their assignment.
- In English, students could identify quotations used in their essays. (Use a different colour for each book if doing a comparative essay or, one colour for quotations from the novel and another colour for quotations from secondary sources.)
- Students could use the "Collect Highlights" feature to collate the highlighted information into an overview document that they could then share with their teacher.
- For study purposes, students could highlight their notes and then export their highlights to create a page of key facts / ideas / etc to study.
Ideas for Teacher Use in the Classroom
- Teachers could also use the tool to provide visual feedback --> highlight the error and provide students with a legend identifying what each colour means. Students can quickly see where, what type, and how many errors they are making.
- If teachers are the ones using the tool, we could use the "Collect" option and then go over some sample errors with the class quickly and easily.
Setting It Up:
- Link to the add-on: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/texthelp-study-skills/fjgimeiehjeaammngbkmpmjikfpknmpf?hl=en
- The first time, students add this "add-on" to Google Docs by opening a Google Doc, clicking on "Add-Ons" (in the File / Edit / View / etc menu of the Document) and then "Get Add-Ons" and then searching for "TextHelp Study Skills."
- Alternatively, you could provide the above link to students to authorize.
- Once they've added the program, for future documents, they simply need to click on "Add-Ons" and then click on TextHelp Study Skills --> Show Highlighting Tools.
I'd love to hear your ideas of how you see this tool being used effectively in your classroom!